Textual language and the teaching of reading from a multimodal perspective


  • Estefani Gumiéro Costa Author
  • Gerson Rodrigues da Silva Author
  • Magda Nascimento Rodrigues Author


Multimodality, Construction of Senses, Reading Teaching


Based on the assumption that the teaching of the mother tongue must encompass more than simple mechanical exercises that involve clippings of information contained in the texts, classificatory activities and even mere reproductions of pre-established structures, the proposal presented, based on the from the point of view of textual linguistics, it aims to discuss the relationship between text and reader, pointing out the multimodal textual genres, in particular, as conductors of interpretive processes that encompass multiple competences, be they linguistic, contextual, sociocultural, among others. From the analysis of authors, such as Marcuschi (2008), Kleiman (2011), Cavalcante and Filho (2010), Júnior et al. (2017), among others, a sequence of reading activities was developed in a sixth-grade class of Elementary School, in order to describe how the construction of meanings by students in contact with multimodal texts is conceived.

Author Biographies

  • Estefani Gumiéro Costa

    Estefani Gumiéro Costa é professora de Língua Portuguesa da Rede Estadual de Ensino do Rio de Janeiro e mestra pelo Mestrado Profissional em Letras (UFRRJ). 

  • Gerson Rodrigues da Silva

    Gerson Rodrigues da Silva é doutor em Letras. Atualmente é professor do Departamento de Letras e Comunicação do ICHS na UFRRJ e coordenador do Mestrado Profissional em Letras na UFRRJ. (E-mail: professorgersonrodrigues@gmail.com)

  • Magda Nascimento Rodrigues

    Magda Nascimento Rodrigues é professora de Língua Portuguesa da Rede Municipal de Ensino do Rio de Janeiro e mestra pelo Mestrado Profissional em Letras (UFRRJ). 

