Tom Zé: All Eyes on a Singular Avant-Garde


  • José Adriano Fenerick Author


This essay aims to think about the relationships between popular music and avant-garde, based on Tom Zé’s LP Todos os olhos. Released by the Continental record label in 1973, Todos os olhos is a critique of the MPB institution. Or rather, this album is Tom Zé's self-critical attitude towards MPB, of which he was a part, a fundamental aspect for thinking about the avant-garde concept theorized by Peter Burguer. Thus, the essay moves away from the most usual meanings of the avant-garde as a pioneer and pays attention to its aspect of self-criticism

Author Biography

  • José Adriano Fenerick

    José Adriano Fenerick é Doutor em História pela FFLCH-USP e professor do Departamento de História da UNESP-Franca. Autor do livro Façanhas às próprias custas: a produção musical da Vanguarda Paulista (1979-2000) (Annablume/FAPESP, 2007). Coordena o Grupo de Estudos Culturais (GECU) da UNESP-Franca.

