Teachers and students’ challenges in English as a Second Languagecreative writing classe


  • Carlos Eduardo de Araujo Placido Author


ESL, Teachers and students, Creative Writing in English, Challenges


The challenges teachers and students may face in Creative Writing in English (CWE) as a Second  Language (ESL) courses have not been extensively researched in Brazil. Thus, the main objective of  this research was to identify and investigate the types of challenges teachers and students may face in  creative writing classes. (CHAMBERLAIN, 2005; CSIKSZENTMIHAYI, 1995; JOHN-STEINER,  2010; LUBART, 2007; MALEY, 2012; POPE, 2005; RAMET, 2007). The approach of this research  was the action research. (FERRANCE, 2000). The research location was the extracurricular  Fanfictional Creative Writing in English as a Second Language at a public university in São Paulo,  Brazil. The sample of this study consisted of five Languages and Literature undergraduate students,  plus their respective teacher. The research methods used were the questionnaire (BRADBURN,  2004), classroom transcriptions (MONDADA, 2007), unstructured interviews (PATTON, 2002) and  oral feedback sessions. (TARAS, 2013). The results indicated that CWE may help teachers and  students develop their creative and linguistic skills. In addition, the data investigated displayed that the students voice should be considered more frequently. Teachers should be more flexible and  attentive to their students’ objectives and idiosyncrasies.

Author Biography

  • Carlos Eduardo de Araujo Placido

    Doutorando em estudos linguísticos e literários em inglês pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Mestre em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). Bacharel e Licenciado em Português e Inglês pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Bolsista Capes. 

