The discursive production of the belief: the passional identity of the actants in the "Balas" tale, by Rafael Gallo.


  • Júlio César Souza de Oliveira Author


Argumentation, Veridiction, Passions


Passion configurations constitute an effective tool for analyzing the meanings  inscribed in the texts, as well as representing a powerful resource of the  enunciator's persuasion through discourse. The purpose of the present work is to describe and analyze the mechanisms of construction of passion configurations and their argumentative role - their efficiency to lead the enunciate to positively sanction the ideas conveyed by the discourse. For this, the short story "Balas" (by Rafael Gallo) was selected, an engaging discursive piece around the theme of Human Rights. The choice of a literary work for analysis fits in with the assumption, argued by the philosopher and historian Roman Krznaric, that literature has the power to inspire empathic acts for the benefit of others after the reader closes the book. Thus, it is analyzed how the enunciator, by means of discursive procedures (with emphasis on the passion configurations), erects a discourse that opposes to the idea, widely diffused in social networks, that Human Rights exist only for the defense of transgressors of law.

Author Biography

  • Júlio César Souza de Oliveira

    Possui graduação em Letras (Português e Literaturas de língua portuguesa) pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1989), Mestrado em Linguística pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1993) e Doutorado em Linguística pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2007). Atualmente é Professor Associado da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora e vicecoordenador do Núcleo de Pesquisas em Semiótica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro NUPES/UFRJ), certificado no Diretório de Grupos de Pesquisa do CNPq. É autor de textos para teatro e atua, principalmente, nos seguintes temas: Análise Semiótica do Discurso, Semiótica e Ensino de Leitura, Semiótica e Dramaturgia Contemporânea, Semiótica e Retórica.

